So, I got told by a certain someone the other day that I should start a blog...So, here I am. At first, the idea didn't really appeal to me; I've never been one to keep a journal (even though my mama always said I just always seemed a little useless to me). However, I've realized that there's a lot going on in my life right now that I'm thoroughly enjoying, and I will want to remember how I'm feeling about things right NOW, as they're happening.
My life may not be extraordinary, but it's happening. And I want to remember it.
To start, maybe you should get to know a little bit about me, eh? Well, either way, you're gonna get a little bit of history here, so, enjoy the ride. :)
This past year has been exhausting, emotionally and physically and mentally. March of last year, I was still REALLY trying to go to school, I had just started working full time, and I was really trying to make a certain "relationship," if you can call it that, work. I put it in quotations, because of course it was a relationship; everyone that's in your life for an extended period of time has a relationship with you, but I'm referring to a romantic relationship here, and in that sense, it was at best a pseudo-relationship. I wanted it so, SO badly, and I liked to pretend that it was a real relationship sometimes, but it wasn't. I did backbends for this person, and I realize now that that's now how either party in a healthy relationship should have to act. April 2010, I cut it off. It was unbelievably hard...probably one of the hardest things I've ever done. May, June, July...they were excruciating, I won't lie. But you know what? It got a LOT easier in August, when this person began coming around again, begging for my attention right as I started to show interest in someone else.
That same someone who told me to start this blog. :)
This is not meant as a pity party; believe me when I say I am MUCH happier now. I'm still not perfect, but that whole experience last year really opened my eyes, and while I know that there is compromise in any relationship, it can never be one-sided. I won't do that again.
This blog is a way to communicate my erratic, inane, emotional thoughts, with no pretense of being about anything but me. If you know me, you know that I'm constantly thinking about other people. I worry more than probably any person should, and I think it could be very nice to be able to vent here (I type way faster than I write). There will definitely be pictures of my projects (let's be honest, between those and my dog, there's probably no more room in my phone for pictures), maybe a few random poems or two (yes, I've been known to write). I invite you to stop by any time you please, and let me know what you think!
Welcome to the world of blogs. :P