First's Phil the Phish! (Ok, maybe just Phil the Fish, but it's more fun to match the spelling to the alliteration, no?) Phil is a dead fish beanie that I made for one of my fave coworkers, Jo. She's an awesome coworker, and she's always bringing me treats and coffee and such to work, so when she asked me for a hat, and she got SO excited over this one, I just had to make it for her. Aaaaand...
She loved it! (sorry for the crappy quaity of the pics; they're off of my phone and the lighting isn't super awesome-o here in the laboratorio). She's brought it to work the last few days to make sure that ALL of our coworkers get to see him. She's so sweet.
THIS adorable girl is my other supremely cool coworker Rebecca. She fell in love with Phil today, so she decided to try him on as well. He tried to eat her face, but it looks like she survived. ;)

Me and Jo...she insisted I take a picture with her and Phil (that Phil, he's SO HOT right now! Movie, anyone??) I think my face looks fat but hey.
Ah, the pink blanket. I made this blanket for Kyle's mom for Mother's Day...and as far as I can tell, she loved it. If you know me, you know I absolutely LOVE giving gifts. I would rather give 25 gifts than receive one any day. Especially when I'm giving people things that I've made. I don't make things by hand for just anyone, only for the people that I really care about, and who mean something special to me. Kyle's mom is fantastic; we always have a good time when I'm around her, and she's very loving and accepting...who better deserves a blanket?! The running joke is that when everyone else is freezing, there's a very good chance Kyle will be sweltering, so I told her that it's for those nights on the couch when the fan is on with the A/C because he's hot, while everyone else is huddles under multiple blankets/sweaters. She seemed to think it was a good idea. :)
In other news, we went and saw Thor and Rango last night at the drive-in. Verdict? Thor was thoroughly entertaining, and I LOVE that they're tying in Iron Man and other movies, getting ready for The Avengers. Very cool. Rango...the animation was absolutely fantastic. The story itself left me a little wanting, if we're being completely honest. Though, the references to a whole bunch of other JD movies were really cool (Don Juan de Marco my fave, obviously), and the cast was really neat. Isla Fisher and Bill Nighy both did pretty convincing accents, quite the accomplishment in my book.'s been an okay day at in 24 minutes and I'm listening to some Damien Rice on my phone ("Rat Within the Grain" = AMAZING. Go listen. Like now.). My coworkers are play fighting over work...maybe I should go help?? :) 'Til next time...