(Clearly, my knitting stalked me all the way to work this afternoon. And now it refuses to leave my desk. What am I supposed to do?)
Got a new app on the Droid today...Retro Camera! It's way neato. It makes all your pictures look...retro. Yeah, that was probably more explanation than you needed but hey. Aaanyway, just wanted to test it out, and at the same time, give you a look at another work in progress. It's a hat for a friend of mine who might be moving to San Francisco. He's a baldy bean, and he asked me to make him a few hats to keep his head warm in the cold San Fran winter months. This one's almost done, I've finished 2 more for him, and then 1 more to go.
After that there's arm warmers for a friend who moves to Philly, a beanie with a moose on it for my coworker, finishing a shawl for the mama, aaaaaaaaaaaaand Christmas gifty knitting is underway as well. Good thing, too, because moving day is Saturday, and I'll need something to keep me entertained in the new place!
Stitch love,